TimeOff as staff holiday tracking system

Fully self-serving booking system.
Screenshot of booked employee leave request with status pop-upA pop-up window to add a New Absence at TimeOff.Management

Create new booking.

Create new booking using New Absence button and choose from Single/Mutltiple days or Part of the day leave. Add your comments and your requested booking will be immedeatly added to Team View.
Screenshot of list of leave requests for supervisor to actionScreenshot of email to approver with details of leave request booking

Approve or reject booking

Once holiday is requested supervisor will receive email notification with details of booking and link to check booking pending his decision.
Email to supervisor about employee canceling booked leave requestScreenshot o My Absences section of Employee Calendar with list of absences

Revoke approved request or cancel booking if it it still pending decision

Approved requested can be revoked from Employee Calendar section All my absences. Request to revoke leave will be send to supervisor for approval. If employee wants to cancel booking that has not been approved simply press cancel in All my absences.

Helpfull features

There are few helpful features that will make booking process even symple


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Pop-up window to add secondary supervisor to a department at TimeOff.Management


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Screenshot of Employee general details showing individual nominal allowanceScreenshot of list of leave types showing auto approval status and limits

All types of

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Screenshot of leave type setting window

Let's simplify your leave management.

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