New Team View visibility option

New privacy mode where you managers and supervisors can see their departments but employees will only have access to private Calendar.

Assign approver to individual employee

Override department setting assigning specific supervisors on individual bases.

Improved Heat Map

The Heat Map with its improved colour scheme provides management with a clearer view of seasonal leave patterns.

Employee schedule editing

Managers and secondary supervisors are now able to edit schedules for employees in the departments they oversee.

Leave Data View Policy

Provides read only access to company wide Team View and Employee calendars.

Introducing employee policies

Introducing employee policiesIntroducing concept of employee policies such as access to Reports for specific department.

Part of the day leave request

Option to book leave request in hours.

Carry Over Allowance page

Carry over allowance in one simple step.

Company wide and employee flexi schedule.

Flexible schedules to fit any workflow.

Allowance adjustment as ledger.

Better record keeping using by tracking every individual allowance adjustment.

Employee Individual balance is added.

Simply override department allowance for individual employees. .

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