Auto approval settings

There are three different options to set up auto approvals.

1. Leave types can be created with auto-approval option. This is very helpful when for example employee needs to work from home when self-isolating. Simply toggle the auto approval option and press Save changes button.
Screenshot of Leave types list with auto approval and use from allowance selectors
2. Employee can be granted auto approval for his/her leave requests. This may be useful when leave requests are made by senior management and does not require approval. To access this setting please toggle "Is Auto approve" when creating or editing employee details.
Screenshot of auto approve leave requests field
3. Leave requests created by admins, supervisor and secondary approver on behalf on employee can be automatically auto approved. This feature can be accessed from Advance Settings.
- First toggle setups auto approval for leave requests created by Supervisors
- Second toggle setups auto approval approval for leaves created by Secondary approvers.
Screenshot of auto approve leave requests field