Leave request created on behalf of employee

Admins and Supervisors can now create leave requests on behalf of employees. The same New Absence form is used, with an added field to select the employee's name.

- Supervisors can book leave for employees in the departments they manage.
- Admins have the ability to book leave for anyone in the company.

We’ve added an extra toggle: Send Email Notification.

- If this toggle is off, the employee will not receive an email about the booking.
- If it’s on, the usual email notification will be sent.

This gives you more control over communication for leave requests!
New absence booking form
In Advanced Settings, you’ll find various auto-approval options.

When enabled, leave requests created by Admins, Supervisors, or Secondary Supervisors can be automatically approved to align with your company’s procedures.
Screenshot of advance setting page at TimeOff.Management