- Creating account
- Adding, editing , deleting users
- Sending welcome email to new employee
- Setting up admin users
- Deactivating users
- Leave types
- Advance Notice for booking
- Exceed leave type limits
- Allow partial leave
- Managing department
- Setting who approves leaves
- Managing location
- Public holidays
- Team View leave data privacy options
- Setting employee schedule
- Negative Allowance
- Setting up allowances
- Setting up individual allowances
- Carrying over unused allowances
- Allowance adjustment (Time in Lieu)
Deactivating users
In some cases there is a need to stop user getting access to the system without deleting his/her data completely. This is very deactivation process can be used. For this navigate to Employee general details and press edit.
At the bottom of the page fill End of Employment field and Press Save changes. User will be able access the system only till the mentioned date.
Once done user will have new status Inactive in Employee details tab
And name will appear as crossed on Employee list and Tean View.
Please be aware that company still will be charged for deactivated employees with a usual rate .