- New employee guide
- Forgot password ?
- How to request leaves
- Leave request created on behalf of employee
- Import leaves in bulk
- Cancel/Revoke leave requests
- Time in Lieu
- Using Team View
- Team View Privacy modes
- My Calendar
- Employees section for supervisors
- Auto approval settings
- How to backup employees' leave data
- Reports
- Heat map
- Deactivating users
- Integration with external calendars
- Delete company account
- Employee policy: 4 days week
- Employee policy: access to reports
- Employee policy: company leave data view
- Block selected leave types
- Individual limits for leave types
- How to disable weekly who is off emails
- Unused allowance reminder
- Login type (enable Google SSO)
- Using TimeOff on mobile
- End of the year guide Carry over section
- End-of-Year Guide: Managing PTO/Allowance Limits
- Blackouts and company events
Employees section
For employees marked as supervisors there is an extra section in the main menu called Employees.Its roles is to provide detailed information about employees leaves requests, used days and allowances in one place. From there new employees can be added and information about existing employees edited and reviewed.
One click on any employee will give you access to hie/her details. In General details you can view, edit or deleted employees
In Schedule section you can view company wide schedule or create a tailored one for chosen employee.
In Calendar section you have access to employee calendar.
In the section Absences supervisor can customised the allowances for the chosen employee, like add time in lieu, carry over days, see the detailed allowance breakdown, used days, and all leave requests and their status.
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