Getting Started - How to Set up TimeOff

Welcome to TimeOff.Management, let's get started!

This quick start guide walks you through the initial setup. By the end you'll have a good understanding of the ins and outs and be ready to start tracking time off.
  1. Add users
  2. Set up employee schedule
  3. Manage departments
  4. Customise leave types
  5. Add locations and Bank holidays
  6. Privacy settings
  7. Reports

1. Add users

Users can be quickly added one by one from Employee section in Main Menu
Add new employee button on Employee screen
The same can be done from Team View
Add new employee button on Team View
If you’d like to save time and add employees in bulk, simply send an Excel spreadsheet with the following details: employee’s first and last name, email address, and department to I’ll upload the data for you within one working day.
To know more how to Add/Edit or Delete users please check our Article Adding, editing, deleting users.

2. Set up employee schedule

It’s very important to set up employee schedules, especially for part-time employees, so the system can accurately calculate deductions from their allowance.
How to Update an Employee's Schedule:
Go to the Employee tab and select Schedule.
If the employee has an existing schedule - You can amend the Default Schedule and click Save Changes.
Default employee schedule adjustments
If the employee has a new schedule starting from a specific date:
- Click Specify working hours for employee and Add New Schedule.
- Select the Start Date.
- Adjust the schedule as needed.
- Click Save Changes.
Add new schedule for employee

3. Manage departments

Departments can be created when adding new employees and managed later from the dedicated Departments section in the Main Menu.
Add new department when creating employee
You can add supervisors and adjust department setting in Departments section.
Learn more how to manage departments in dedicated article Managing departments.
Manage department in Departments section

4. Customise Leave Types

To set up company leave types, go to Leave Types in the Main Menu. TimeOff comes with two default leave types: Holidays and Sick Leave. However, you can create an unlimited number of highly customizable leave types to suit your company’s needs.
Add new leave type
There are few options available to customize leave type like: influence on employee allowance, auto-approval, annual limit or booking notice period. To learn more please check our article Leave types.
Leave type customisation
All company wide leave types can be adjusted on employee basis.
Leave type customisation

5. Add locations and bank holidays

If your company has teams operating from different locations, you can create and manage these locations in the Locations section of the Main Menu.

Add new location:
Add new location in Locations section
You can add employee to a new location and upload Bank holidays:
Leave type customisation
More on this in following Articles: Managing locations and Public holidays

6. Privacy settings

This step is all about understanding who can see what. As the administrator you get to see everything, but the rest of your team will have more restricted views and information. Here's a summary of the different permissions:

Admin Users
Setup the account
Adding and amending billing details
Seeing all employee's annual leave
Booking and cancelling annual leave for all employees (including historic leave)
Set / edit annual entitlementCancel company account

Department approver/Secondary supervisor
Department managers and approvers don't get to see the company 'Settings' options like Locations, Leave types or Departments, but they do get to see how many days their employees have left and can view their Calendar and summary information. Department managers can also see 'Employee' from the main menu but their access is restricted to only those in their department.

They will not see the 'Settings' or 'Employee' menu items.
Can't change their annual leave entitlement.
Can't cancel any bookings that are in the past - they can cancel their future bookings
Can't see other employees annual allowances or summarised calendar information
Can't edit their working schedule

Privacy Modes
Team view has a multiple privacy options from sharing information between team members to showing company view only to Admins or hiding leave types. Read more on this in Team View leave data privacy settings.

7. Reports

Reports can be accessed from the Reports section in the Main Menu. All reports can be downloaded as a .CSV files. There are two types of reports:

Allowance Usage by Time – Provides a detailed breakdown of absences used by employees for the selected period.
Allowance usage by time report
Employee leaves – Provides a details for every leave taken by employees.
Employee leaves report