- Creating account
- Adding, editing , deleting users
- Sending welcome email to new employee
- Setting up admin users
- Deactivating users
- Leave types
- Advance Notice for booking
- Exceed leave type limits
- Allow partial leave
- Managing department
- Setting who approves leaves
- Managing location
- Public holidays
- Team View leave data privacy options
- Setting employee schedule
- Negative Allowance
- Setting up allowances
- Setting up individual allowances
- Carrying over unused allowances
- Allowance adjustment (Time in Lieu)
Setting up admin users
In order to add employee please open please chose option Employee in the header menu.
Select employee you want to make an admin user (someone who has access to the whole company set up).
Once you are in editing mode :
- Tick the box Is Administrator user if employee have a administrator right to the company account.
Afterwards press Save changes button.