- Creating account
- Adding, editing , deleting users
- Sending welcome email to new employee
- Setting up admin users
- Deactivating users
- Leave types
- Advance Notice for booking
- Exceed leave type limits
- Allow partial leave
- Managing department
- Setting who approves leaves
- Managing location
- Public holidays
- Team View leave data privacy options
- Setting employee schedule
- Negative Allowance
- Setting up allowances
- Setting up individual allowances
- Carrying over unused allowances
- Allowance adjustment (Time in Lieu)
Sending welcome email to new employee
There are two options for sending a welcome email to employees:
- Send Immediately: For the employee to receive a welcome email immediately once their details are added to the system, add the new employee and toggle "Send Invite Email" at the top of the page. Once the "Save Changes" button is pressed, the employee's details will be added to the system, and an email invitation will be sent to the address registered for this user.
- Send Immediately: For the employee to receive a welcome email immediately once their details are added to the system, add the new employee and toggle "Send Invite Email" at the top of the page. Once the "Save Changes" button is pressed, the employee's details will be added to the system, and an email invitation will be sent to the address registered for this user.
- Send Later: To send the welcome email at a later time, create the employee profile and click "Save Changes." You can then continue setting up the system. Once you're ready to invite the employee, simply navigate to the "Employee Details" tab and select "Send Invite Email."